Keswick Hall!! What an amazing place to celebrate an event like that.
Of course if you get the right people together, anywhere is a great
place to get married. However, a fusion of wonderful people, awesome
location with stunning scenery, beautiful country hotel with swimming
pools, spa and golf course, places this event up there in the top...I
guess three or so!!!
The only place to be at the moment, in this
scorching Southern Virginian heat wave, is water. ...and that
was exactly how we spent most of the wedding weekend - submerged in
cool liquid, very often with some kind of cool liquid in our hands. We
only left the pool to sleep, eat and party. Here I might add that even
the parties ended in the pool at some point. Needless to say, various
dubious things such as single shoes - very wet, ties - very wet,earrings and other suspicious items where continuously handed into reception for pick up!!!
and Richard's friends came from all corners of the world, which added
an amazing array of cultural diversity to the event. It was a melting pot
of interesting people and there was not a single person all weekend who
did not smile from deep within;-))
In the midst of this wonderful setting at Keswick
you could not help but smile. When we got there on Friday afternoon, I
was in a dreadful mood. Almost to a point where I wanted to go straight
back home...(truth is, I wanted to buy a dress in the morning and could
not find anything and therefore was mighty miserable).
Anyway, a nice walk on the golf course and a long swim afterwards not only cured me from misery but made me utterly happy!!
I digress to much, I quickly have to point out that this wedding
featured the most touching and funny speeched I had ever heard, even in
my very long career as wedding coordinator in my previous life in the
There was not a dry eye in the house when Richard read 'The Road
not Taken' by Robert Frost to his new wife Molly. It was simply magical
and unforgettable and I was truly thankful, once again, to the pharmaceutical industry for inventing waterproof mascara!!!
mascara turned out to be a favorite as the party started to get
horribly out of hand given the nature of early morning, drunken
waterside activities like naked water polo. I don't wish to go into detail, but this scenery taken straight from Forster's 'A Room with a View', with male testosterone lingering in the air, charged with a good portion of homo eroticism was almost better than the film, which incidentally features Daniel Day Lewis...who looks startlingly like Richard;-)))))
was, to say the least, great fun and we all wanted to stay there
forever, drifting along in the infinity pool, turning our backs to work
and everyday life. But like all good things this one also came to an
end. Even though we managed to drag it out until late Sunday afternoon.
We finally made an exit at about 4 o clock in the afternoon before
getting introduced to the hotel's Rottweilers and after the poor waiter at the pool had filled our water glasses for the billion st time!!!!
Thank you Molly and Richard for hosting a perfect wedding and hope you enjoy your honeymoon;-))))))))