Saturday, October 30, 2010

You know your party was good if your house looks like this!!!

Sadie feeling the bit under the weather!!

...and this is only what I am prepared to show here.

It took Steve and me all morning to clean up. It would have been much quicker without the hangover from hell.

Wait! Wasn´t that a kids Halloween party?

Indeed it was. And the kids did not drink anything. I swear:-)) Apart from apple cider. They did, however eat lots of candy and cupcakes and lots of other crap.

I should feel bad, but Halloween only comes once a year and to eat as much candy as the little tummies can bear (and that is a LOT) is a necessity.

There were so many kids and it was so dark that I could not find my own children and when I did, Finley was barefoot, riding a motorbike through my kitchen with a little devil clinging on to him. Sadie was so tired she was walking round and round and through the front door, through the living room, into the kitchen, down the stairs, out the back, round the house, and in through the front door again. Must have been the 200 lollipops she sucked. I put her to bed at 8pm and she slept for 12 hours straight...!!

Unfortunately I did not. I fell into bed, unconscious, at about midnight, after consuming a LOT of Prosecco, Jägermeister,and some of Papa Leitner´s delicious home brew. It is mostly due to these beverages that I had to get up at night a number of times. First in search of painkillers, which are never where you think they are when they are most needed and second because I was a little thirsty. It was like a scene from Eric Carlisle´s "Very Hungry Caterpillar", only the book title would have been "The very Thirsty Caterpillar", because when I first got up, I drank a sip of water, then it was half a glass, then it was a full glass, then it was a bottle, and finally, I think I must have drank a tub full and there was nothing beautiful about it in the end.

Sadly, Halloween is over and we have an entire year to prepare for the next one.

Here are a few images to tie us over until next time:-)))