Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Post for Granny

Imagine how busy I am? No post since July!!!! Well, this one is just
for Granny more bad luck for you guys. The secret has been
drowned and when it is dry enough (it's hanging on the washing line) I
will burn it;-)))The photos I have added, have been taken over the past
few weeks. The one with Finley and lalu is the last one you will see of him with a pacifier. Lalu has gone by by and lives now with Halliday in Fredricksburg
. Fishy is now the only lovey he's got and Fishy is taking a bit of a and night. Finley now sleeps in a "big boy" bed from IKEA and escapes frequently to play with Choo choos (man, is that a word???) and other things at night. Potty training has
been postponed until further time to run after him with a
portable toilet. He'll get it eventually, probably before his first
So, no more boring's some action!!!!!!!