I like the country side and I like vaccation.
Yes, it has been a long vaccation, but better a long vaccation with kids sleeping like logs through the night then...well, I don't know! Perhaps kids waking up all night because they didn't have enough enery consuming activities.
Picture this: Children waking up at 8.00 am (one at 8.30 am), breakfast outdoors with NO mosquitos (just two hungry and quick dogs),followed by a two hour walk into the village, ice cream and visit to the gothic church.
After that the real exercise starts...me carrying one sleepy child up the hill. Now after that we need a BIG lunch. Zuccini spagetti made from the biggest zuccini the world has ever seen (grown in our own garden).
Immediately followed by one snoozle, lasting about an hour:-)
Afternoon activity: boatride on the lake for the kids, cold beer for the moms at the lakeside restaurant...kids are wearing life vests, but don't follow the rules, they are quickly out of sight!! Moms however trust the kids and don't jump into the 15 C cold water. Kids come back alive...phew!!!
At 5 pm BBQ with friends. Favorite game: Cowboys and Indians. Favorite activity: Tying Sadie to a tree. Second favorite activity: everyone gets a knive and cuts as many snails in half as they can find. In the meantime, it is getting dark and we need a bonfire. Third favorite activity: burning the snails in the fire.
Here I think I have lived in the Western hemisphere too long and are no longer familiar with Eastern European habits. Don't they have RSPCA here?
I am just about to have a third beer and my friend tells me she got stopped by police the other day. They asked for her license and registration, which she did not have on her. Well, they said: You better go home and get it then, which she did. They let her off.
I am thinking: Will I get away with not having an Austrian license at all and will they have a problem with me driving around at night with two kids and two beers in my system. I did not take the chance, even though the drive was less then 5 minutes. So I left at 9.30 pm, got home, gave the kids a bath, put Sadie to bed, put Finley to bed and by the time I had the computer turned on, they were both fast asleep:-)))
To get to the point, I like country air and crazy snail burning BBQ's and long nights sleep and happy kids:-)))
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