Thursday, January 17, 2008

Awesome photos on Flickr

I found these photos on flickr, which have been put there by the Library of Congress, the U.S. national library.
are thousands and I have not yet seen all of them, but some of the
images are really amazing, the kind of photography that really stands
Also women's dress sense in those days was fantastic and stylish all the way down to the factory workers.
Sadly, we have lost that ability completely.
To many fashion branches and to many styles to choose from. Perhaps one
day we'll come to our senses again and trade the comfort fast food and
jeans world for a bit more class.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Brand new face!

I just gave my blog a brand new face, which also includes some advertising. This blog will be the future home of Richmond research and also a character I am writing a book about.
Wizards and Witches deserve a break and now that Harry Potter is all grown up, it is time for a New Kid on the Blog. That new kid, however, is still in its baby shoes and to protect its identity, I will have to keep quiet about it until further notice.
There will be updates on its progress as I keep writing, so don't forget to check in and see how far I have got...also I will be raiding Richmond for awesome things to do!!!
Stick around;-)))