Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Fall Fun and joining the Rescue Squad

A trip to the Tuckahoe Volunteer Rescue Squad on Sunday afternoon
proved that we have a fireman in the making. The boots almost fitted
him, a few more bowls porridge and some of Mommy's home cooked meals,
and voila!! I got a private tour of the building by a very senior
rescue guy who seemed very interested in my newly acquired cleavage.
The tour took forever, especially walking through the new sleeping
quarters...great bunk beds!! Steve, in the meantime wondered around
with my fake Prada
handbag draped around his shoulders...no wonder he got funny looks when
he asked about joining the Volunteer Squad...especially with his gay
Finley loved it and got to sit in all the vehicles
pushing every possible button. Unfortunately we had to say no to the
delicious brown,beeny gunk that was later identified as Brunswick Stew,
since we were on the way to have Irish Stew with Katie, Joel, Sam, and
Oliver. I managed to capture some great moments of the boys, having a
truly awesome time playing in the leaves.