Sunday, April 20, 2008

Thomas the Tank Engine

The huge suitcase from England has arrived - in it, Thomas the Tank Engine
-Thank you auntie Fiona;-))
Finley was mighty excited about it and immediately started putting it together - with hardly any help from his daddy;-)))
is a great day for playing indoors as it is chucking it down since this least 3 inches!!! This is of course great for the garden
and as I am writing, my beautiful new landscaped garden is turning into
the Amazon Rain Forest
Everything is sooooooo green, it is amazing and all my plants are growing, well at the moment it looks more like they are drowning;-((
worries, I will just plant some new ones. After all it is only April
and we had nearly 30C yesterday. So it looks like we are in for a VERY
long and probably very HOT summer!!! We'll see how much of it I can
take before madness sets in. I might have to build a tunnel from the
refrigerated house to the equally cold car in order to avoid the
scorching heat while my friends and family over there in Europe have
to wear little jackets, once the sun sets, so they don't get
cold***??!!**. Man, I'll miss the summer over there and I hope you guys
have snow till at least July and than again from mid August;-)))))))It
looks like I have gone mad already...oh well, never mind. Life is a lot
easier if you are crazy;-)

In the meantime I'll enjoy the lush vegetation before it turns all brown again in a couple of month.

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